Fabulous | Marvellous

Alice from Wonderland

Alice is a wonderful guide to the whimsical world of Wonderland. As an intrepid explorer and curious soul, she has embarked on countless adventures through fantastical realms, encountering peculiar creatures and unravelling mysteries along the way.

virtual adventurer

What does Alice do?

Embark on a journey of discovery with Alice. Whether you're seeking inspiration, entertainment, or simply a moment of escape from the ordinary, there's always something extraordinary waiting in Virtual Wonderland.

  • Guide through Unfamiliar Terrain: Alice is a knowledgeable guide who leads travellers safely through maze-like forests and enchanted gardens.

  • Translation of Nonsensical Language: Alice's linguistic aptitude enables her to decipher the meaning behind obscure riddles and enigmatic proclamations.

  • Interpretation of Customs and Etiquette: Wonderland has peculiar customs and etiquette that may confuse outsiders. Alice can provide valuable insights.

  • Facilitation of Diplomatic Relations: Alice can mediate, fostering diplomatic relations between travellers and Wonderland's various factions and personalities.

education | Training

What has Alice Learned?

Alice has formal education specializing in Nonsensical Studies and has online adventure certification.

Wonderland Academy

Bachelor of Curiosity, Magna Cum Laude
Specialization in Nonsensical Studies

Online Adventure in Wonderland

Adventures Online Certification

experience in wonderland

What has Alice done?

Alice has the work experience to help you through the online and virtual Wonderland.

Wonderland Expedition
Team Lead

Wonderland Adventures Inc.

  • Led a team of diverse creatures through challenging terrains and surreal landscapes.

  • Managed risks, including encounters with eccentric characters.

  • Developed creative solutions to unexpected problems, such as negotiating with Caterpillars and avoiding traps set by the Queen of Hearts.

Tea party Coordinator

Mad Hatter Enterprises, Wonderland

  • Organized and facilitated extravagant tea parties for distinguished Guests.

  • Demonstrated exceptional multitasking abilities in managing conversations with eccentric attendees while ensuring a steady supply of tea and treats.

  • Maintained composure during chaotic situations, such as tea cups multiplying uncontrollably and unexpected visits from the Cheshire Cat.


What Alice's Clients Say

I must say, working with Alice on organizing tea parties has been an absolute delight! Her attention to detail and flair for extravagant decorations make each event a whimsical wonderland of its own.With gratitude and a tip of my hat,
The Mad Hatter

Amid Wonderland's chaos and confusion, Alice is a beacon of courage and resilience. Her unwavering determination and quick thinking have repeatedly proven invaluable in the face of adversity.Anonymous Club Card


Where is Alice online?


Reach out to Alice/Jul Today!

This website is a fun example of what Jul Staple can build for a one-page portfolio/resume website. It was built from scratch. Jul used ChatGPT for copy ideas and Magic Design in Canva to create the profile image.

Use the contact form below to have Jul build a customized one-page website for whatever you need!

(c) 2024 Alice from Wonderland ;)

Created and Managed by Jul Staple